BBC2 Radio and Rediscover the 80s

Recently, one of the producers of BBC2 Radio, Sophie, reached out to invite me onto one of their shows called Midnight Mastermind.  The episode that I participated in was with their host Phil Williams where I ask him three questions based on the year 1985 and he has the length of a song to answer each of those questions.

While my portion was just over nine minutes in length, this was a truly grand and honored invitation.  Sophie recognized how Rediscover the 80s stood out with the amount of information and articles we hold and continue to write.  What Jason started back in October of 2011 continues to gain impressive and worldwide recognition such as BBC2 Radio.  Although I wished that it would have been him interacting with Phil and Sophie, it remains an honor to continue to represent the brand he built and for which I do my very best to continue forward with his legacy.

Below, I've added the audio from the show for you to enjoy.  What is not captured, however, is that during the song Everybody Wants to Rule the World, I spoke off-air with Phil and provided him with the synopsis of Jason and his legacy.  After the song played, he dedicated the song "to the founder of Rediscover the 80s, Jason Gross."

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