Did you know, though, that many of the technologies on which we rely on a daily basis come from the 1980s? It’s true - although, of course, the technologies we’re talking about began life in a very different form to the way you know them today, the nascent forms of those technologies can easily be seen. Today, we’d like to take a look at some of the most important technologies to our society right now that got their start in the heady, innovative times that were the 1980s. Without further ado, let’s take a look at 11 modern technologies - in no particular order - that were invented in the 1980s. You might be very surprised at some of the technologies you see here!
1. The CD
While it’s true that some shops have declared they will stop selling CDs now, and that many consumers prefer downloaded media, the CD is still the physical medium of choice when it comes not only to music storage but also to data storage in general. The CD was a joint development venture between tech giants Sony and Philips (who would later jostle for Nintendo’s attention over a CD-based add-on to the SNES console). Interested to know what the first piece of music released on CD was? It was a collection of Chopin waltzes performed by Chilean pianist Claudio Arrau. Of course, Dire Straits’ Brothers In Arms album popularized the CD, but it wasn’t the first album available on the medium.2. The PC
Another two-letter acronym with the power to change the world, the PC - or “personal computer” - was a 1980s invention. In 1982, IBM created the PC, changing its reputation as a manufacturer of massive industrial machines and marketing its new machine towards a more domestic market. The operating system, DOS, was the gold standard for many PCs going forward, and the first PC even included support for early dot-matrix printers and word processing software. Not bad for $2,000, eh? Today, the IBM PC seems hilariously basic, but it laid the groundwork for the monster gaming PCs you see on a regular basis these days.3. The Graphical User Interface
Prior to the 1980s, any computer that was running an operating system was almost certainly reliant on a text-based interface for navigation. If you weren’t particularly tech-savvy...well, for one thing, you likely weren’t using a computer, because these devices were exclusively marketed towards those who knew what they were doing back then. Still, if you didn’t have the know-how, you probably couldn’t use a PC because of its labyrinthine interface. Apple - inventors of the iPhone and the iPad - introduced the world’s very first graphical user interface, or GUI, in 1984 with the Macintosh. Now, a non-graphical user interface is pretty much a thing of the past. We have Apple to thank for that.4. Gaming Consoles

5. Cellular Phones
Somewhere on you or near you right now is a smartphone. According to statistics, nearly 4 billion people around the world are currently smartphone users, and there’s still room for growth in the market. We have the 1980s to thank for that particular phenomenon. Of course, early mobile phones were nowhere near the sleek, modern device you currently hold in your hand; they were huge, clunky, and not particularly user-friendly. Still, they were seen as technologies of the future when they launched. Imagine being able to contact someone while on the move! Now, we take this for granted, but in the '80s it was a very big deal indeed.6. Answering Machines and Voice Mail
You probably don’t have an answering machine in your house or flat, right? Your smartphone is likely where most people get hold of you. Of course, these machines are still available to purchase if you’d rather have separate numbers, and they’re also popular with businesses. Answering machines - and the concept of voice mail in general - began in the 1980s. Prior to answering machines, you would need to leave messages with other folks to get them to your intended recipient, but after voice mail was introduced, you could simply leave a message and hope the person would get back to you. We’re still using voice mail today.7. The Walkman
We’re cheating a little bit with this one, as we don’t regularly see people walking around with Sony Walkman devices rattling around in their pockets. However, it’s impossible to imagine the modern world of Spotify and streaming music services without the Walkman to lay the groundwork. Sony’s portable music player was the first device to allow people to take their music out and about with them, and although it used a relatively primitive cassette-based system, its hardware - along with the headphones that came with it - was a revelation. Now, all of our music is either digitally stored or streamed, but the Walkman paved the way for that possibility.8. The Space Shuttle
This isn’t technically a technology that every single one of us uses on a daily basis, but on the other hand, it could certainly be viewed that way. The Space Shuttle wasn’t the first successful space mission, but it was the first transport with the potential to become a fully-operational orbiting laboratory permanently stationed in space. The launch of the Space Shuttle occurred in 1981, and we can still see its influence today if we look at the International Space Station. It was arguably the culmination of the Space Race politics of the 1950s and 60s, so the next time you look up into space, think about the Shuttle launch and be suitably awed.9. Mobile Gaming