Have you ever listened to an '80s song and thought "Man, this track would be great to mashup with [pop culture character]!" OK, maybe you haven't. It's a concept I toyed with several years ago with Howie Decker at Under Scoop Fire! and never really developed the way I hoped. So, I'm gonna try it one more time on the RD80s podcast!
80s Pop Culture Dedications as all about paying tribute to our favorite pop culture characters in a new way. First, find an '80s song with some appropriate lyrics for a character (like you'll hear Knight Rider mashed up with The Cars "Drive" in this first podcast.) Then, send me request so I can put my audio skills to the test! In volume 1, you'll hear the five dedications that Howie and I came up with almost 6 years ago now to give you some inspiration. Dedications include the aforementioned KITT from Knight Rider, Optimus Prime, John Rambo, the face-melting bad guys in Raiders of the Lost Ark, and the villains of popular cartoons.
Listen to the new podcast and then leave me feedback (or better yet, your request for a future dedication) by tweeting to @RD80s, emailing jason@rediscoverthe80s.com, or leaving a comment below. Find the podcast now on your favorite app (now including iHeartRadio) or stream below...
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