Memory Jogger Podcast Special: Saturday Morning Commercials

In this special episode of Memory Jogger, Wyatt and Jason remember Saturday mornings and specifically the commercials that would playing between our favorite cartoon shows. Cereal, toys, PSAs, and a few other favorite '80s commercials also come to mind throughout the show. As usual, we begin with some listener feedback and also a few icebreaker headlines.

This podcast is part of another 80s League crossover event! Several other podcasts and blogs will be posting new content on the #80sCommercials topic and you can click the links below to connect.

You can find the Memory Jogger podcast as part of the Rediscover the '80s Podcast feed and we'll also be releasing show's on the RD80s YouTube channel. Stream the episode below and let us know what you think! 

Wyatt and I discovered the Screen Share tool on our recording Hangout so Youtubers will get some reference to all of our memories...

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