How Retro Arcade Games are Making a Comeback
by Gene Goodman
Besides big hair and loud guitars, the '80s brought us the era of the video game. In the early '80s, arcade video games started popping up everywhere, often referred to as the golden age of arcade games. Pinball machines were revenue-driving machines in arcades before video games took over. Games like Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, and Dig Dug became what the younger generation wanted to play. Very quickly, the industry caught up with the demand. From 1980 to 1982, the demand for these arcade video games more than doubled. There were over 360,000 Space Invaders sold alone, the highest-grossing entertainment product of its time.

You could find arcade video games in every mall, movie theater, and corner store. Kids would line up around the corner with all the change they could come up with just waiting to play. There was something special about saving up all of your money just to spend it in a single day playing your favorite game and making sure you had the highest score. It was also the only way to play the latest video games available was to go to an arcade.
However, classic arcade video games have made a comeback! Titles like NBA Jam, Mortal Kombat, and Street Fighter II are in high demand. The generation that grew up playing these games in the '80s now has a disposable income that allows them to purchase the machines they loved for their home. Arcade themed slot machines have also taken advantage of the heightened popularity. There is something about the feel of a joystick and being in front of the machine you can’t get from a home system and these veteran arcade players want to own these machines. They want games that look and play just like they remember. The home arcade market has now expanded with man caves and game rooms.
Fads from the '80s have made comebacks before, but classic arcade games are more than just a fad. Almost everybody can remember the experience of an arcade. Just like hearing a song that you remember listening to, you always remember the video game you loved playing while growing up.
Gene Goodman is Vice President of M&P Amusement, a distributor of new and refurbished arcade games. M&P also designs custom machines for residential and commercial clients.
Images via Technbob, PicPhotos.Net