Perhaps the most anticipated app of 2016, Pokémon Go has managed to appeal to people who had not been previously familiar with the franchise. It’s quickly become a worldwide trend and there’s no doubt that it can be addictive. The main difference between Pokémon Go and other games, however, is the need to leave your home.
Memes, meet-up groups and gameplay videos have quickly spread across the net, making it an internet sensation. Yet, so have memes and other pages bashing the game. It’s just not everyone’s cup of tea. Many people simply don’t have the time to go out every day and catch little creatures with their phone.
Also, you often need to travel to other towns to find worthwhile Pokémon so it can become even more time-consuming. All things considered, there are games out there that are more addictive than Pokémon Go could ever be. Many of them are retro! Here are five retro video games that will make you want to pull out your old game consoles (or eagerly get your hands on the new NES Classic Edition this November) and forget all about Pokémon Go.
Also, you often need to travel to other towns to find worthwhile Pokémon so it can become even more time-consuming. All things considered, there are games out there that are more addictive than Pokémon Go could ever be. Many of them are retro! Here are five retro video games that will make you want to pull out your old game consoles (or eagerly get your hands on the new NES Classic Edition this November) and forget all about Pokémon Go.
Super Mario Bros.

As you advance through the story and the eight worlds of gameplay, you’ll face a variety of different enemies along the way as well as interesting stages that present new challenges. The game's difficulty scales just right to match the player. After you fail a level a few times, most people figure out just what’s needed.
Super Mario Bros is a game you’ll want to play again and again, even if you manage to reach the end (and the game won’t pull any punches at that point). If you want more addictive Mario gameplay, be sure to check out the other titles as well.

Like many arcade games from the '80s, Pac-Man is very clear about its gameplay. You play as Pac-Man and your goal is to eat all of the “pac-dots” while avoiding the four ghosts throughout the maze. You can also eat “power pellets” which are typically placed near four corners of the maze and give you the ability to eat the enemies and temporarily disable them. Once you’ve eaten all of the pac-dots without getting caught, you advance to the next level.
You probably know all of this already, but I wanted to reiterate just how simple games were a few decades ago.

In Galaga, you control a starfighter and shoot down enemies while dodging their attacks at the same time. In many ways it can be considered one of the origin points of the “bullet hell” genre of games. It takes skill and some getting used to, so don’t sweat it if you think it’s too hard when you first start!
Mega Man

The first few are extremely simple. You defeat the robot bosses to claim their powers which can in turn be used against other robot bosses in a “rock, paper, scissors” format (for instance, in Mega Man 2 Quick Man is weak to Flash Man’s weapon). By default, you’re equipped with the Mega Buster, limited to 3 shots on screen at once.
The difficulty can sometimes be high for inexperienced players. Yet that’s exactly one of the elements that make the franchise addicting. You never feel like it’s the game’s fault and you’ll want to keep improving. The more you play, the more you’ll want to play the next installment.
The Legend of Zelda

As soon as you enter the game, you need to figure out what to do. There are some hints, but you’re mostly left to your own devices. You’ll battle enemies that continue to appear in later titles such as the moblins (regular map enemies) and famous bosses such as Dodongo. The difficulty isn’t too bad at the start but it ramps up quick and becomes unforgiving as you explore more.
If you’ve played it once, you’ll want to try it again. There’s no doubt you’ll find something new hidden in the trees on in the corner of a map. Other than these five games, there’s no doubt that there are many others that will keep you going for hours.
We’re interested in knowing about your favorites and how you think they compare to Pokémon Go. Share your opinion with us in the comments section below.
About the Author: Caroline is a technology and entertainment blogger who is also an avid gamer. She enjoys games both new and old. Retro games are some of her favorites to play on a variety of well-preserved platforms.
Some images courtesy imgfave, Pinterest, Zerochan.Net, ZeldaInformer
If you’ve played it once, you’ll want to try it again. There’s no doubt you’ll find something new hidden in the trees on in the corner of a map. Other than these five games, there’s no doubt that there are many others that will keep you going for hours.
We’re interested in knowing about your favorites and how you think they compare to Pokémon Go. Share your opinion with us in the comments section below.
About the Author: Caroline is a technology and entertainment blogger who is also an avid gamer. She enjoys games both new and old. Retro games are some of her favorites to play on a variety of well-preserved platforms.
Some images courtesy imgfave, Pinterest, Zerochan.Net, ZeldaInformer